Thursday, May 3, 2012


I HATE going to the gym and sometimes just getting outside for a walk is drudgery.  If you find yourself totally avoiding working out altogether, here's something to think about.  In my opinion, the best place to work out is your KITCHEN!  Who knew it could be your own personal gym!!?  I've provided some of the exercises I love to do in small repetitions.  The key to the success is that you do one rep, then break, clean, work on something else you're doing, then come back and do another rep. 

1.) SQUATS!  For killer legs.  Tone it up! Have some weights stored under the sink.  The tiled, even floor is ideal for balance and support.

2.) PUSH UPS! Obviously great for your arms but if you're like me, you can't do regular push ups (never have been able to), but against the counter, you get as good tension which really works your back, your sides, your tummy!  It's AWESOME!  

3.) LUNGES!  Oh how I hate these!  But wow, what a difference in your legs and you can feel it immediately.  Who cares if you can only do five to start out with, every lunge is a lunge in the right direction!  The hardest part of lunges is the balancing.  Enter the kitchen counter!

Why am I doing this weird Bowzer arm?  No idea.  I'm not making the cover of Fitness Magazine any time soon.


  1. ummm...hello supermodel skinny lady!!!!! You look great! So skinny! Keep it up! You are very inspiring! I made the taco soup a few times already. It is delicious and my new favorite recipe. Thanks! ps...of course you would be wearing a beatles shirt. Love it!

  2. The last comment was from me, Erin DeGraff(:

  3. Sheesh! Who looks good working' out?? YOU DO!! You're so adorable! Love it. Now I just gotta make myself DO the exercises . . .

  4. You guys are RIDICULOUS and I love you both!!
